02 July 2024

iDEAL 2.0 Migration: Almost completed

iDEAL 2.0 Migration: Almost completed

Last March the iDEAL 2.0 certification was completed and the phased migration of Pay to iDEAL 2.0 has started. 

iDEAL 2.0: What is new?

  • More information. We include more information about the business owner, such as a MCC code (based on your industry or category, which is indicated per sales location) and the country of your business.
  • New technology. The language in which we communicate with iDEAL has changed from XML to JSON. This is the market standard. Most of the parties integrating with us - use JSON for plugins and links.

  • Bank choice page disappears. It is no longer permitted to display a seprate Payment Page with QR and Bank Choice. This will happen in two phases. We are replacing our Hosted Payment Page effective immediately. Business owners should remove the Bank Choice during the course of this year. 

  • Possibility of new features. Hosted payment enables functionalities. For example, Quick-order or sending push notifications to the banking APP to approve a payment experience.

Has my business already been migrated? 

To view this, a payment without bank selection can be started from the shop or the Collect Desk. In the case of iDEAL 2.0, the iDEAL payment screen is visible. Do you see our Bank Selection page? Then the migration has not yet been completed.


What actions should I take?

Currence demands the bank selection to be removed from the checkout. There are exceptions, but these are more technically complex. The bank selection can be utilized until the end of October. We have agreed with Currence that 70% of payments will go through the hosted payment page before the end of the year. By the end of March 2025, no bank selection should be visible in checkout without user-based choice.  

In the meantime, we are updating our plugins. In the case of Shopware, for example, it is already possible to voluntarily disable bank selection. If this is an in-house implementation, we recommend putting it on your roadmap. We will contact customers who still have bank selection active in check-out by the end of this year.

Bank preference within the user account

It is possible to save the last chosen bank within the shop environment or portal - in a user's account. In that case, Currence does allow to skip the hosted payment page.  We do not see significant value add in this method. The account holder will get used to iDEAL 2, and the updated flow. In addition, selecting a bank in the drop-down of an order page (2 clicks) is not significantly faster than clicking on iDEAL, with subsequent bank selection (also 2 clicks).