Pay afterwards with in3 Business.

Business payments in 3 installments without interest. in3 Business is the new payment method that allows customers to pay business purchases in three installments, without interest or additional fees.





Carefree business payments with in3 Business

in3 Business is the payment method that allows you to pay business purchases in three installments, without interest or additional fees.

Pay immediately one third, the second installment within 30 days, and the third installment within 60 days, easily via iDEAL.

  • Maintain a grip on your cash flow
  • Enjoy ease of payment and flexibility
  • Improve your business payment processes

Why in3 Business?

Add in3 Business to your payment options

Pay. behind each payment

Discover in3 Business
Boost conversions

Consumers may purchase a more expensive product.

Easy implementation

The application process is fully automated

Low cost

No additional fees or interest per transaction

Financial flexibility

Create financial space and keep control of your company's cash flow.


Instantly arrange all your online and in-store payments.

With the standard webshop plugins you can easily and quickly link in3 Business to your webshop.
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Register directly

Receive online and in-store payments as early as 15 minutes through the Pay. platform

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All payment information on one platform: online, in-store and omnichannel

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Maximum insight into your payment traffic through comprehensive reports

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Favorable rates per transaction

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QR code

Desktop purchases can also checkout with a QR code

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Prompt payment

Even faster payments through the online banking app


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Pay afterwards with in3 Business

Integrate in3 Business into your webshop and offer business customers flexibility

Pay afterwards

Remove all barriers to payment

To maximize the chances of conversion of transactions and online payments, Pay. supports options for post-payment. This removes all payment barriers.



  • Payment method

    Pay afterwards

  • Channel


  • Available in
    • Netherlands

  • Specifications
    • Fast disbursement

    • Simple integration

    • Pay in the shop or by invoice


Frequently Asked Questions

Any more questions?

Get in touch

How does in3 Business work for business payments?

With in3 Business, business customers can pay for purchases in three equal installments without interest or additional fees. They pay one-third immediately, the second installment within 30 days, and the third installment within 60 days, easily via iDEAL. This helps businesses manage their cash flow and provides flexibility for larger purchases.

What are the benefits of in3 Business for my business?

in3 Business allows your company to offer customers flexible payment options, which can lead to higher order values and customer satisfaction. In addition, your business maintains control of cash flow and faces less risk, as payments are staggered and at no additional cost.

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