Amazon Pay: large global reach

Amazon Pay is an payment system. With it, Amazon offers its users the ability to order from external websites using a user account.





Amazon Pay for your online store

First, you need to create an account through Amazon Pay. After this, you can add the payment method to your shop via the Admin Panel. For this, you need to provide the URLs you are using, as well as an additional URL of Pay. This way, the link will be confirmed.

  • Used in 100+ countries worldwide
  • Easy checkout via a wallet
  • More than 33 million Amazon Pay account holders

Why Amazon Pay?

Add Amazon Pay to your payment options

Want to know more about Amazon Pay?

Discover Amazon Pay
Safe and reliable

Amazon Pay is a good choice for secure online transfers

Global coverage

Used in 100+ countries worldwide

Quickly added

Easy checkout via a wallet


Huge potential thanks to the Amazon network


Instantly arrange all your online and in-store payments.

With the standard webshop plugins, you can easily and quickly link Amazon Pay to your webshop or online store.
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Register directly

Receive online and in-store payments as early as 15 minutes through the Pay. platform

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One platform

All payment information on one platform: online, in-store and omnichannel

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Maximum insight into your payment traffic through comprehensive reports

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Favorable rates per transaction

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QR code

Desktop purchases can also checkout with a QR code

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Prompt payment

Even faster payments through the online banking app


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Benefits Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay is used in more than 100+ countries worldwide.

Other payment options

Amazon Pay makes paying around the world easier

With Amazon Pay via Pay. the transaction is handled by us. With a plugin, Amazon Pay appears neatly in the payment screen. All payments can be found in your statistics, management overviews and transactions. With PAY. you manage all your payment traffic under one roof.



  • Payment method


  • Channel


  • Available in
    • Worldwide

  • Specifications
    • used worldwide

    • Increase conversion by 35%

    • Offer your customers all the benefits and features of Amazon Pay


Frequently Asked Questions

Any more questions?

Get in touch

How do I get Amazon Pay for my business?

To integrate Amazon Pay for your business, sign up using the button at the top right. We take care of the rest, including registration, integration, testing, approval and activation.

What does an Amazon Pay transaction cost?

Amazon Pay fees are detailed within our fee schedule. View the page here.

You only pay for successful transactions.

Benefits for deploying and implementing Amazon Pay with Pay.

The benefits of Amazon Pay at a glance.
  • Easy checkout through a wallet
  • Available in more than 100+ countries
  • More than 33 million Amazon Pay account holders
  • Huge potential thanks to the Amazon network
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